May 4, 2022

I was wearing a new outfit on vacation and caught my pants on a brick planter.  I was only a child.  I looked down and could see my knee through the hole.  I was sad about tearing those pants.  Mom assured me she’d repair them, but they were never quite the same.  Over the years, I can remember ruining other things.  At a friend’s house, we were decorating their Christmas tree and I broke two ornaments.  Another friend lent me a pair of stilettos, and I broke the heel.  I backed into someone’s vehicle once… maybe twice… anyway, it’s a horrible sound hearing one’s vehicle smash into another.

But there’s something that was torn, for which we should all give thanks!  Matthew 27:51 says, “Behold, the veil of the temple was torn from the top to the bottom…”  The veil shielded the Holy of Holies, the most inner part of the temple, where God’s presence was most felt.  Only the High Priest had access, and only at certain times of the year.  But when Jesus died on the cross, the veil was torn.  Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, we all gained access to the Most Holy.  We can draw near to God at any time.

Our current sermon series is “What the World Needs Now.”  As a child of the 70s, I always finish that line with “Love, sweet love!  It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of!”  God sent us the purest form of love in Jesus Christ.  When He died for our sins, we were granted access to the Holy of Holies, or close communion with God.  He loves us and wants this love to be reciprocated.  Fortunately, there are things we can do to experience it.

First, we can study scripture.  Reading the Bible helps us learn about Who God is.  It can bring us comfort when we’re hurting, joy when we’re celebrating, and advice when we are seeking answers.

Secondly, we can pray.  Prayer involves not only talking to God, but listening to Him speak to us.  This means quieting our hearts and minds to hear from Him.  During this time, we can also express our gratitude to Him for all our blessings.

Thirdly, we can join with other believers.  Some of the greatest lessons I’ve learned about God have been from others.  I believe God places people in our paths who can demonstrate His love for us.  And sometimes, He puts us in the paths of others, so we can share His love with them.

Prayer:  Thank you, God, for your sacrifice and tearing the veil so we can draw near to you.  Help us experience your deep love for us and share it with others!  Amen

Susan Meharg, Executive Ministry Assistant