April 13, 2022

God uses many things to reveal grace in our lives. One of the ways I felt the love of God was through my grandparents. Growing up, I spent lots of time at their home. Their love and support was formative in helping me to become the person I am. I tended to be quiet and they gave me a space to simply be.

When I was a young girl and went to their house for a weekend, I’d spend time using my grandmother’s binoculars and pretend I was a spy securing their neighborhood. Or I’d pretend I was a news reporter interviewing my grandfather on their tape recorder. Grandma would have me help her in the kitchen to cook meals and cookies (my favorite) and Grandpa would want my help in running to the store for groceries.

They always involved me in whatever they were doing and helped me to be successful in a variety of areas. They also gave me the time and opportunity to explore their home as my own. I loved reading the books in their library or playing outside in their yard. But one of the best ways they reflected God’s love to me was taking me to church.

They attended a Methodist church near their home and we’d get up early to eat breakfast, then make our way to church. We’d use the back doors of the church, near the kitchen, to avoid the steep front steps which were difficult for my grandmother’s knees. I’d get to sit between my grandparents, which was perfect for me. It meant I could hear my grandfather’s beautiful singing and also lean against my grandmother if the sermon didn’t exactly hold my attention.

Once we left the church, Grandpa would critique the service based on whether or not he recognized the hymns while he drove us to a restaurant to have lunch. I don’t recall either of my grandparents directly talking to me about Jesus, but they lived their lives in a way that revealed His love. It was the way that church was such a normal part of their lives that affected me.

Their lives had the same feel from cooking, to entertaining me, to grocery shopping, to church. I think it was continuity of love that I felt with them no matter what we were doing. Love should be a normal constant in our lives and what we communicate with others. I’m blessed that God’s love was revealed to me every time I was with my grandparents.

Rev. Wendy Lambert, Senior Executive Pastor