March 31, 2022

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. – Hebrews 4:13

My first introduction to grace was through relationships with family members.  When I was small, I was difficult; I had a temper and was extremely stubborn. My family easily recalls stories of the times I was determined to have my way, no matter who suffered. I remember one time my older brother (one of the kindest souls on the planet) made me angry about something and I took a hammer and hit him on the head. Thankfully, it didn’t do any permanent damage! My grandfather used to say, “The Lord has a lot to take out of that girl!”

Back to my introduction to grace; every time I was unkind or hurtful to my family, I received forgiveness. My brother harbors no ill will toward me for hitting him with that hammer! To this day, I know if I said or did something hurtful to my dad or siblings, they’d forgive me. And because my family exhibited this grace to me, I can understand that God can extend His grace to me.

I haven’t hit anyone over the head with a hammer lately, but I still struggle to control my thoughts and words. Thankfully, God’s grace prevails when we mess up. He doesn’t want us to grovel in our sinfulness. He wants to forgive us so we can move on!

And what does God want us to do in our forgiven, grace-filled state? I believe He wants us to extend His grace to others. Anytime I start thinking about someone who has mistreated me, God reminds me of someone I’ve mistreated! Author Steven Covey says, “We judge ourselves by our intentions and others by their behavior.” I have no idea how many times I’ve taken offense to something someone said or did, without understanding their intentions. But I do know the many times I’ve said or done something with good intentions that came out completely wrong!!

I need God’s help today, this hour, this minute, this second.  How thankful I am for His amazing grace that has no limits!  Have you experienced God’s grace?  Thank Him for His faithfulness!  Do you need to experience His grace?

Pray this prayer:

God, I need you!  I mess up often, I hurt others and myself!  I’m sorry for the times I’ve failed.  Please forgive me and free me to joyfully serve You! Amen

Susan Easttom Meharg, Director of Family Ministry