March 30, 2022

By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life.  We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence. – 2 Peter 1:3

Grace is God’s gift to us of forgiveness, acceptance, and love. It’s a grace that draws us to him, it’s a grace that saves us, and it’s a grace that helps us to be more like Christ. Even though good works may be a result of grace, they are not the way we earn grace. God’s gift of grace to us is just that, a gift. We don’t have to do anything to be loved and used by God.

I’ve been fortunate to know many people in my life who I have been able to look up to for the ways they have lived out their faith.  Those who have used their gifts given to others so freely and generously, those who have shown incredible faith and growth during the most challenging moments, and those who just live their life every day in a way that shows what God’s grace is all about. Sometimes I’ve shared my admiration and appreciation to these people who have influenced and helped me along the way (although I haven’t done this enough!). I think people are often humbled and honored by the admiration and appreciation, but they wouldn’t think of living their life any different. In fact, there are a few conversations that I remember where the response was always bringing the glory back to God. They couldn’t take credit for anything good that they did, because it was through God’s power and grace in their life that their life resulted in anything that we would consider good and helpful. They were just a vessel of God’s work in the world.

Sometimes, I find the balance of good works because of God’s grace and thinking that I’m earning God’s grace difficult. I know the truth, but sometimes I still try to work to earn God’s grace. Reminding myself of God’s saving grace is something that is important to do regularly. We are in need of God’s grace every day. His mercies are new every morning. Through God’s grace, our hearts and minds are renewed, and our actions are transformed. His divine power has truly given us everything we need for living a godly life. Everything good that comes in us and through us is only by the grace of God. Thanks be to God!

Amy Givens, Director of Youth Ministry