October 19, 2020

My father recently had his first driving accident.  This might not seem unusual until you understand that he’s 90 years old and has been driving for 74+ years.  He was a coast-to-coast truck driver for several years, so he’s logged thousands of miles during his lifetime.  A nearly pristine record!

Dad was telling me about his accident and his first words were, “I found out today that God’s not finished with me yet!”  He then proceeded to tell me that if he had pulled into traffic 2-3 seconds earlier, we’d be planning his funeral.  You see, he ran into the rear wheels of an 18-wheeler.  Fortunately, no one was injured.

Have you ever had a moment when you realized that your life had just been spared?  Maybe you’ve battled a life-threatening illness and been cured.  Perhaps, like my dad, you’ve been in an accident that could have ended your life, but didn’t.  Maybe you’ve engaged in risky behavior that could easily have been your demise.  The fact that you’re reading this devotional right now is an indication that God isn’t finished with you yet, either.

What if each of us lived with the attitude that God has a daily assignment for us?  What if we awoke each morning and asked Him, “God, what do you have for me today?  What can I do to share your love and bring hope in this world?”

It begins with love of self as a child of God. When we love ourselves, we give ourselves permission to bask in His love.  We take time to enrich our lives with His Word and we spend time communing with Him in prayer; we intentionally grow in our faith.

Secondly, we share God’s love with those who live closest to us.  If you live with others, it starts with them.  If you live alone, it means your closest neighbors, your friends, and your relatives.

Thirdly, we share God’s love with the world by reaching beyond the boundaries of our families and friends.

My dad certainly is “Like a Good Neighbor”!   He’s a Sunday school teacher who engages in daily Bible reading and prayer.  He attends classes at church to continue to grow in his faith.  He’s quick to help others and fill a need.  His deep faith, and eagerness to help others, have kept my dad “young”.  He has energy, a zest for life, and a beautiful enthusiasm for each day that is contagious.  I believe he asks these questions daily, “God, what do you have for me today?  How can I share God’s love and bring hope in this world?”

You’re breathing – God’s not finished with you yet; ask Him what He’s got for you today!

– Susan Easttom, Director of Family Ministries