August 21, 2020

“The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in from this time on and forevermore.” – Psalm 121:8

The first day of school is filled with so many great memories for each of us. Although this year is different because of COVID-19, my daughters were excited to start a new year. Do you remember your first day of school? Maybe you remember that new backpack or special outfit your parents bought you? Were you nervous or excited? Do you remember the sadness of summer vacation ending? Whatever emotions were stirring in you, the first day of school is a special day that opens the door to so many great possibilities.

One particular memory I have is riding my bike to school for the first time. I was so excited to get to ride my bike to school, but my parents did not share in my enthusiasm. In my eyes, I was ready, willing, and able to cross any street, and ride through any neighborhood. What could possibly go wrong? My parents knew the possibilities that existed with letting a child ride away on their own, and now as a parent myself, I understand better why they were nervous.

The first day of school arrived.  I put on my backpack, jumped on my bike, and headed down the street. Things were going great!  To make sure that my inaugural trip was going smoothly, my dad was in his car following me slowly down the street. He wanted to make sure that I was riding my bike on the pre-determined route and that I was being as safe as possible. To be honest, I was a bit mortified that my dad was following me.  He followed me the next few mornings until he was sure I was going to be fine.

As I look back on that first bike ride to school, I am grateful that my dad was not far behind. Sure, I wanted the freedom to ride my bike, and I was sure I was up to the task, but it is always nice to know that your father is not far behind.

The writer of Psalm 121 reminds us of how close our Heavenly Father is with these powerful words, “The LORD will keep your going out and your coming in from this time on and forevermore.” The Psalmist is reminding the travelers of the day that they do not travel alone. God is with them and watching over them. My father is not following me to school these days. Now I am delivering my own children to their first day of school, but I still find great comfort in knowing that my Heavenly Father is with me as I leave the home and as I return.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor or Worship