August 19, 2020

August 19, 2020 – Daily Devotional
I had hoped to make a trip to New York City this year with my wife, Kelly. It does not appear like that will happen. For one thing, Oklahomans are now prohibited from traveling to New York state without quarantining for two weeks. Kelly has never been to NYC and it’s been 26 years since I was last there.
I love visiting New York. There are great restaurants, diverse neighborhoods and of course Broadway. The last time I was in the big apple…it was my 40th birthday. My late wife surprised me with the trip. As I recall we saw at least three Broadway shows including one that is a part of our St. Luke’s on Broadway series this year…Les Misérables.
Les Misérables opened on Broadway in 1987 and won the Tony for best musical. The original production finally closed in 2003 and is the sixth longest running musical to be staged on Broadway. I saw it in New York when it first opened in 1987 and then again in 94. I have seen the touring company here in OKC. It is one of those shows I could see over and over. There are so many memorable songs and scenes.
But I won’t be seeing Les Misérables or any other Broadway show anytime soon. The Covid pandemic has caused all the stages to go dark for at least the remainder of the year. I know all of us have had to do without so many things that make life fun and meaningful. Sporting events, concerts, vacations to faraway destinations and even some visits with family have been put off. Holidays have been different. Most of the big fourth of July fireworks displays were snuffed out this year. There were no big organized Easter egg hunts. I don’t even want to think about Halloween or Christmas. It can be depressing.
We’ve been missing see everyone in worship for over four months now. I know I miss the visits, the hugs, and handshakes. I’m so glad we at least have been able to connect with you through our online worship. But the one saving grace of the pandemic in my opinion has been the way our church has been able to reach out and share God’s love by delivering more meals to those in need than ever before. Volunteers have shown up in droves to pick up and take meals to folks who otherwise might not have had something to eat that day.
When I watch the videos and reaction of folks gratefully receiving a meal from one of our volunteers, I am reminded of one of my favorite scenes from Les Misérables. It is near the end of the show when the stories protagonist, Jean Valjean is dying. He confesses to Cosette, who he has raised as his own daughter, about his troubled past. My favorite line in the show is sung by Jean Valjean who tells Cosette, “to love another person is to see the face of God”. Our volunteers who deliver meals are truly “seeing the face of God” and being the hands of God when they share His love with these friends in need.
The next time you feel down and are lonely think about someone you can encourage or help and maybe you too will see the face of God.
-Rev. Dave Poteet, Pastor of Congregational Care