June 16, 2020

Tuesday, May 8, 2012.  3 a.m.  A horrifying experience that changed (for the good) my faith journey.  At the time, I was living in the upstairs apartment of a two-story duplex.  The downstairs apartment was occupied only during the day as an office and guest quarters for the landlord’s family when they were visiting from out of town.  Fortunately, on this particular date, no one was staying downstairs.  At precisely 3 a.m., I was jolted awake by the sound of breaking glass.  At first, I thought it was coming from the residence next door.  I was about to go to the window to check it out when suddenly I heard footsteps in the apartment below.  Knowing that no one was staying there, I quickly surmised that someone had broken in.  After what seemed like an eternity of frozen terror, I realized I needed to call 911.  However, my cell phone was in the kitchen on the opposite side of the apartment.  Being an older building, the hardwood floors creaked somewhat.  I DID NOT want whoever was below to hear that I was moving around.  The police arrived and arrested the offender.  The landlord graciously and immediately installed exterior security lighting all around the duplex.  But since that experience, to this day I still get a little edgy at unexpected noises.

While the security lighting helped ease my nerves somewhat, there was a brighter light already shining on me when I awoke that morning and from then on.  I believe God allows us to live through dark and unnerving situations, so we can draw near to Him and call on Him to save us from feeling in danger and out of control.

Many of us have experienced how dark life can become when something like a major pandemic steers us into unknown and uncharted waters.  There are moments of frozen terror when we suddenly have our future yanked from underneath us.  I am forever grateful for the security lights that protect us at night.  But I am indebted to Christ for the Light He provides as a constant reminder of His presence with us as we find our way through dark and uncertain times.  This pandemic will hopefully end soon, but have your sunglasses ready, because The Glorious Bright Light of Christ is ready to shine on us as we embark on The New Normal.

– Robert Fasol, Organist and Choirmaster