May 5, 2020

COVID-19 changed a great many things in our world. In a historical move, our country went on lockdown. It seemed like in just one day, we went from going to work, going to school, going to restaurants, shops and theatres… to staying at home. It was a change unlike anything we have ever experienced. This adjustment to how we operated our daily lives caused much more than just an inconvenience to our daily schedule. For those who were already struggling with food insecurity, this lockdown has brought greater difficulties for getting food for their families.

Connor Brunt is a 10-year-old who overheard the news reports about the people in his community who were struggling with hunger during the lockdown. Connor wanted to help. He went to his room and retrieved $20, money he earned from doing chores, and asked his parents if he could donate it to the local food bank. His parents were so proud. They matched his $20 and made their family donation.

Connor’s mother shared about her son’s kind heart and generosity on her social media. When their family and friends read his story, they were encouraged to match Connor’s donation.  People began sending their $20 to Connor. In just a few days, Connor had over $800 to contribute to his local food bank.

Each of us has something to contribute to help our neighbors in need. 10-year-old Connor was generous with his allowance, and his small contribution has made a big difference. When we offer our time and our abilities, while giving a portion of what we have, we can also make a big difference. We have neighbors in need during this lockdown, but the good news is, we have the ability to help.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship