April 24, 2020

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior,” – 1 Timothy 2:1-3

Do you know what an armchair quarterback is? It is a description of a person who watches a sporting event, does not actually play or coach in the game, but from the comfort of their own home, makes judgments about those who are playing the game and making decisions. To be honest, I consider myself a highly skilled armchair quarterback. I love watching sports and I have my opinions about how the game should be played.

At this time in our world, there are no sports being played. My armchair quarterbacking days are sidelined. However, many of us have seemed to focus our armchair skills towards our government and our elected leaders. I understand! COVID-19 has changed so many things over the past month. Businesses and schools have closed, people have lost their jobs, and so many have gotten sick and lost their lives. These are truly unprecedented times. Elected officials at every level are making difficult decisions. Business owners, school officials, pastors, and families are all making challenging choices.

The truth is, we will rarely all agree on decisions being made in the coming weeks and months. We all have our opinions, our worries, and our hopes. However, there is one thing we can all do together over the next few weeks and months that will be helpful. In 1 Timothy we are encouraged to pray for, “kings and those in authority.” Well, we don’t have kings in the United States, but we have officials who have been elected to lead. There are those who are making difficult decisions today. Let us be a people who set aside judgement and offer our prayers. Let us first pray for wisdom and peace. Here is a prayer that might help you as you start your day, today and each day to come.

Prayer: God of grace and mercy, I ask today that you grant the leaders of our world: local, state and national, the grace to lead wisely, compassion that moves them to action on behalf of their people, and the reminder to work for the good of all. Grant wisdom and peace to our leaders and guide them to seek a vision for our common good. When solutions seem impossible, show them the way. Where there are differences, let your love prevail. And Lord, lead each us, in love, to heal our world. Amen.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship