December 18, 2019

G-Baby.  That’s the nickname that was given to the child my wife, Suzanne, was carrying in her womb.  At that time in our lives we were youth pastors and our youth group was our lives.  We both had jobs, but our time and attention were always focused with the youth.  They were the first group of people that we told, outside of our families, that we were expecting a child.  The name of our youth group was Gravity, and since we didn’t want to know the gender of our baby until birth, the nickname “G-Baby” was given.

As with any expectant parents, there were lots of things to do in order to be prepared for the arrival of our child.  With not knowing if we would have a girl or boy, there were many things we did that were gender neutral.  But one thing I recall about the month leading up to the birth was preparing our second bedroom as a nursery.  In order to make the room look just right, we purchased four pastel colors and I painted each wall a different color.

Finally, the time came when we had the room prepared and it was time to go to the hospital to meet our child.  It was an amazing moment when we met our daughter and her name changed from G-Baby to Erika.  What we had prayed for had come to pass; a healthy child was now in our arms.  Immediately, an overwhelming love poured from us to this new bundle of joy.

In just two days, for some unknown reason, the doctors and nurses thought it was okay to send this infant home with us.  I remember when we arrived home, we carried the car seat in with our little one asleep.  We sat on the couch taking it all in; new parents, new daughter, a new life just beginning.

I think Mary and Joseph sat in Bethlehem taking it all in; new parents, new son, a new life just beginning.  They may not have painted a room in preparation for their new child, but I believe they prayed just the same.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of your Son.  Strengthen and encourage us as we prepare our hearts to receive You, anew and fresh this Advent season.  Help us not to be afraid of what we lack, but to focus on the Joy of Who we have.  Thank you, for entrusting us with the message of Your son. – Amen.

Brent Manning, Director of Communications