December 17, 2019

There are so many reasons to be joyful all year round, but there’s just something so special and joyful about the spirit of Christmas.  I love recreating some of the memories from my childhood and making those a part of our family’s traditions now.  Every year, I’m hopeful for falling snowflakes so I can go out with my girls and build a snowman.  I love making hot cocoa while the fire is burning and decorating the house or Christmas tree with my girls.  I love the midnight Candlelight Service at church.  But something I didn’t grow up doing was serving our community.  This is a new tradition in our family, one that I feel is the most important of all.

For the past couple of years, I’ve helped organize and coordinate various meals or presents to be given to those in need.  It’s important to me to teach my girls that there are others out there less fortunate than us, and that it’s our responsibility to help when we can.  The girls and I will load up boxes of food or presents to deliver to various families.

I will never forget the time we delivered Christmas presents to a family in Edmond.  This family was so thankful and so gracious to be receiving gifts.  Their children had anxiously awaited our arrival all day.  They invited us into their home and wanted us to stay to meet their entire family.  They served us cookies as a token of their appreciation.  The children were so excited to show my girls around.  I noticed, upon entering the home, that the only decoration they had was a Christmas tree with very few ornaments.  The only presents under the tree were the ones we had just given them.  It broke my heart.  Their grandmother was there to meet us and she sat there with joyful tears in her eyes.  They were so grateful for us to be there and to hang out with them.  They were so grateful for our church and for all that we were doing for those in need.

When we left, my girls had noticed the same things I noticed.  They asked many questions and I tried my best to answer without tearing up.  To this day, my girls have not forgotten about the family.  They look forward to meeting and helping new families every Christmas.  This is our small way of bringing joy to others and it’s my new reason I experience a joyful Christmas every year.

Jamie Williamson, Edmond Campus Director of Administration