June 27, 2019

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” -1 John 1:9

New employees at the children’s center have to go through orientation before they go in the classrooms to work with the children. This is to ensure that they know the standards that DHS sets for childcare centers. We also, among other things, go over the values that set the standards for the day-to-day operations of the St. Luke’s Children’s Centers. Included in our values are attention to detail, listening ears, healthy balance, compassion, teamwork, beauty, innovation reward, recognize and celebrate, and pay fantastic attention to detail. Each one has a statement that goes with it, and some examples of how this helps us in the classrooms and taking care of our precious children.

Grace is the last value that I discuss with the teachers, and there is a reason for that. It encompasses everything we do all day long. Everyone needs grace at some point in their day. Grace is something that is extended to us, it sets us free from the particular struggle that we have been wrestling with. When we give grace to a person who has wronged us, we forgive them, and we do not hold a grudge. When we offer grace in the workplace it can encompass anything from good behavior, to respect, honor, integrity and reliability. When people do not respect each other, it breeds negative energy, and the entire team suffers.

Forgiveness will not only improve your life at work, but can change the negative to positive, allowing for goals and dreams to become a reality in your life. Forgiveness needs to be an action. We need to look for the good in everyone. When I have the opportunity to mentor the staff and help them grow as a teacher without judgement, they will work hard to please others, and they also will learn to extend forgiveness.

Grace is an avenue to provide a thriving environment allowing people to grow, learn, and give them a sense of belonging. Forgiveness is definitely the most challenging part of working with people, providing a safe place for them to learn and grow. Giving grace is about letting go of anger, bitterness and resentment. When we offer grace, we move from blame to solving the problem. We all will make mistakes, as a people of faith we are challenged to live as model grace and forgiveness. Grace is how we created an environment where all can experience love and success.

Gabrielle Moon, Executive Director St. Luke’s Children’s Centers