April 25, 2019

“And he took a child and put him in the midst of them; and taking him in his arms, he said to them, “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.” -Mark 9:36-37

Kevin Gatlin is a businessman from Charlotte, NC. He recently visited the child of a friend who was in the hospital. He sat with the family for a short time in that hospital room. They had a good visit, but on his way home, Kevin Gatlin wondered how difficult it must be to have a child who was sick and in the difficult conditions of a hospital.

When Kevin arrived home, he told his wife about his visit. They began to talk about how difficult it must be for their friends and especially the little one who was in that hospital room. He wondered what he could do to help make their time in the hospital a little more tolerable. After talking with a few other family friends, including several teachers.

After several discussions, Kevin created Playtime Adventures. His company makes special sheets and blankets for children’s hospital beds. The sheets are covered with things that help to occupy the time and the minds of the patient. Each sheet is different, covered with geography, art, and games. Several hospitals have purchased these blankets. They are already making a difference in the lives of patients.

When Kevin Gatlin visited that child in the hospital, he realized that there was a need greater than the immediate health concerns. He turned his talents, creativity and efforts to help those in need. Now children have a bright spot in the midst of an otherwise sterile environment. His kindness and work have blessed many lives and brightened many days. It is a reminder to each of us that our kindness, paired with our efforts can truly make a difference. We can all brighten the days of the children of God around us.

Rev. Keith King, Online Campus Pastor