April 23, 2019

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” – Galatians 6:2

The Little Blue Engine is a well-known children’s story, and one of my daughter’s favorites.

The story begins with a red train carrying toys and food for, “the good little boys and girls on the other side of the mountain” then the red train stops, and the engine doesn’t work anymore. The clowns and dolls are optimistic that another train will stop and help.

First, came the shiny new passenger train who said he was too good and carried people too important to stop and help.

Second, came the freight train who carried much, but was too busy and wouldn’t stop and help.

Third, came an old engine who was too old, but tired to help.

Lastly, came the little blue engine, who had only been used to switch loads in the yard and had never been over the mountain. The little blue engine was willing to try! She believed she could. She told herself, over and over that she could help. and she did.

How similar is this story to the story of the man who was traveling down the road to Jericho? He was beaten and robbed and badly needed help, but no one would stop to help him because they were so busy or did not want to be bothered.

There are times when we glorify being busy. We keep a hectic pace, often to the point that we have stopped helping those who need it, because we don’t want to give our time to engage others. The beauty of the Little Blue Engine or the Good Samaritan is that someone does take time out of the busy schedule and, in doing so, bless the lives of the people around them in need.

Mandi Moon, Director, St. Luke’s Children’s Center