August 22, 2018

“Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them…” –Romans 12: 6

John D’eri is the President and Co-founder of Rising Tide. Rising Tide is a high-quality car wash in Florida. John and his son Tom founded this car wash with one purpose, to provide employment opportunities to adults with Autism. John’s son, and Tom’s brother Andrew is a young man with Autism. John watched as his son grew up, and after he aged out of school, struggled with finding employment. John, a successful entrepreneur set his successful career aside to help Andrew and others with Autism find meaningful employment.

Our country is currently experiencing a time of extremely low unemployment. Unfortunately, unemployment among people with Autism is near 90%. At Rising Tide, the employees learn in an environment that is designed to help build a successful and independent life for Andrew and others. Through this success of Rising Tide the D’eri family has been able to educate others on Autism. They now spend their time helping others to see the potential in these young adults with autism.

When John was asked about why they started Rising Tide he said that, “I did not want him (Andrew) to sit in a room and be taken care of by others. I want him to have a life.” John and Tom used their business skills to bring hope for life to Andrew and so many others.

Each of us have gifts to share, gifts to help bring hope and life to others. As the Apostle Paul writes in the book of Romans, “Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them…”

Rev. Keith King, Online Campus Pastor