January 27, 2016

January 28, 2016, is the 30th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. I remember that day. I knew that my grandparents were there at Kennedy Space Center getting to watch the Challenger launch and I felt a special connection to the flight through them. That morning, I was in a Biology class when the news broke out about the explosion. I was several states away, I did not personally know anyone on the flight – yet, felt a deep sadness at the tragedy as did most people that day.

My grandparents were rocked to the core at witnessing the terrible event that day, but felt that these individuals were heroic citizens who had bravely understood the risks of their journey – yet continued on for the sake of something bigger than themselves. I will be lifting up the memory of these people and praying for their friends and family. I invite you to join me as we give thanks for the lives of ones who dare to live life in a way that seeks to make a greater difference in the world.

In memory and in honor of:

Commander Francis R. Scobee
Michael J. Smith
Ronald McNair
Ellison Onizuka
Judith Resnik
Gregory Jarvis
Christa McAuliffe