February 17, 2016

The season of Lent is a time of preparation. It is the 40 days before Easter (not counting Sundays) and it is meant to prepare us for the celebration of the Resurrection. As Christians we believe that Christ died and rose again that we might be free from sin and death.

Being free from sin doesn’t mean we will never sin again, but it means that sin can’t tie us down in guilt and shame – we have the promise of forgiveness. Accept the mercy of God.

Being free from death doesn’t mean we won’t die – it means that death can’t bind us – we have the promise of the eternal love of God. Accept the gift of God’s grace.

And so, to fully celebrate the freedom offered to us through Christ, Lent becomes a time to examine our lives and see where we are still held captive. Christ came to set us free from anything and all things that would get in the way of us living life more abundantly for ourselves – and others.

In this season of Lent – what holds you back? Worries, addictions, fears, mistakes, guilt? Use this time to look at your life and take the steps to live the life that God wants for you. When you accept freedom – you can be free to make a lasting difference in the world.