March 2, 2016

Today we heard the tragic news of the death of Aubrey McClendon. He was killed in a car accident this morning; yesterday he had been indicted on charges that as CEO of Chesapeake he conspired with another large oil and gas company to not bid against each other for oil and gas leases.

In this moment, we have a perfect opportunity to reflect grace to the world.

The way we show grace is to recognize that we do not know all the facts of his situation and we can make the choice to be good citizens of our country and assume he is innocent.

We can show grace by not speaking ill of the dead.

We can show grace by giving thanks for the incredible things that Aubrey McClendon did for our city and community. He donated millions of dollars to several organizations and universities.

We can show grace by remembering his family and friends in our prayers.

And we can show grace by remembering that the life that was lost this morning was one that was cherished by God. Christ gave His life so that Aubrey, and each and every one of us, can know the faithful love of God.

Aubrey McClendon was a man of faith. He loved and professed God and I believe that God was there in the moment of his death to usher him into life eternal.

May God be with those who grieve his loss on this side of heaven, until that day we shall all be reunited.