December 24, 2017

As with most people, Christmas is a very special time of year for our family. We love the time together, we have fun shopping for one another, and we enjoy decorating the tree (truth be told – some love the last one better than others).

Last year the Advent season was even more special. The couple who lived next door to us were expecting a baby. They have one son, named “T”, who was 2 1/2 years old at the time, but they were waiting for a baby boy who was due in March. We were just as excited about their addition as they were.

Thinking about their children became part of our conversations. All during the Advent season I kept hearing my children say things like; “We ought to get this for the baby,” or “I bet T would love this.” We would be out shopping and Hannah would be working through her Christmas list and suddenly see something that she thought would look great on T and a corresponding gift for his soon-to-be baby brother.

Brooks was very excited about putting lights up on the house because he thought our little neighbor boy would love it. As a family we had so much fun and excitement thinking of how to put a smile on a little child’s face. We loved T and his parents and were really looking forward to the day when we would get to meet the new baby.

2,000 years ago there was another baby boy who changed the way we view the Christmas season. Mary was expecting a baby boy and now the season of Advent is when we prepare our lives for His arrival. I find it meaningful and special to prepare for the celebration of the birth of Christ. But, it was the infant Jesus who, instead of me doing things for Him, came into the world to do something for me. To put a smile on my face – to free me from anything that would prevent me from living a life of meaning and joy. In fact, it was that same baby boy who came to show me love that would, in turn, help me to be able to love others. The Christ Child infuses our hearts with the assurance that we are the children of God. And Jesus calls us as the family of God to love and share kindness with others.

This Advent, look for the ways that you can share God’s love with someone else. Find joy in sharing the grace that we have received from Christ. Waiting on a baby boy at Christmas – can change your life and the world around us. Share His peace and joy this year.

Rev. Wendy Lambert, Senior Executive Pastor