December 20, 2017

The Advent story is full of regular, everyday people doing amazing things. There is Mary, a young girl, chosen by God to bring His son into the world. Joseph, chosen by God to help raise His son. The innkeeper who made a place for Mary and Joseph the night Jesus was born. Regular people with everyday lives, and they became part of a wonderful story that made an impact on the whole world.

Silja Bijnagte is a normal 11-year-old, but she felt the need to do something to help others in her area. Silja volunteers with the Lake Harriet United Methodist Church in Minneapolis, MN. They have a community outreach called Joyce Uptown Foodshelf. Silja realized that people coming to the pantry were not getting as much fresh food as they needed. She then came up with the idea to build gardens. She got all the supplies donated and asked family and friends to help on a Saturday afternoon to build the boxes for the garden space. Silja and volunteers from the church tend the gardens, and pick fresh vegetables for the 800 people a month the pantry serves.

What an inspiration Silja is to all who read her story. She is an ordinary 11-year- old, but she saw a need and wanted to make a difference. Through her hard work and determination, she is making a difference in the lives of all the people that come to the Joyce Uptown Foodshelf.

I am sure you have heard the phrase, “God doesn’t call the equipped. He equips the called.” This is very true. God calls on ordinary people to do wonderful things to make a difference in this world. What is God calling you to do?

Lee Ann Simpson, Administrative Assistant, Asbury Campus