August 31, 2017

What does it mean to be courageous? Some would say that it means to have no fear, but Nelson Mandela says, “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” Being courageous can mean that you are afraid, but you press on and do what is right and what needs to be done despite your fear. You trust that God will be with you and see you through.

I have a very good friend who is someone that shows this kind of courage each day. Her husband, is Hispanic and he was recently deported back to Mexico. Needless to say, this has turned her world upside down. Is she afraid? Yes, of course she is, but she also trusts God and knows that He will be with her and will help her with the many tough decisions ahead. There have been many tears, many discussions with God and family and friends, but she has a faith that gives her the courage to do what she needs to do. She has made the decision to sell much of what she owns to be able to relocate with her husband. We all know this will not be an easy task for her, but with God she will be able to do this. Her strength and courage comes from her faith in God and her love for her husband and family.

Like my friend, we all need to remember to not let fear hold us back. We all need to allow God to be our strength and our courage and to see us through the tough times. My friend is a shining example of what being courageous means. I am blessed to call her my friend. What fears are holding you back? Have you talked with God about these fears? Do you trust that He will be with you as you move through the challenges of life? God is with us and because He is with us we have courage.

Lee Ann Simpson – Administrative Assistant, Asbury Campus