August 22, 2017

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all” -1 Timothy 2:1

A few weeks ago, I was at Dayspring Camp with our high school students.  We were together with over 300 high school students from other Oklahoma United Methodist churches.  The time together in small groups and worship were powerful testimonies of God at work in the lives of all those gathered.  Many encouraging and inspiration words were spoken of knowing that whatever we are going through, we are not alone – that God is with us.  I witnessed that even through the most difficult of times, these students and leaders could still find hope, joy, and gratitude because of God’s continual love and presence in their lives.

On one of the nights, we were sharing together in our church groups.  A few of our students shared more personally about things that were going on that were difficult for them.  For each student that shared, we gathered around and several people shared a prayer aloud for these situations.  It was during one of these moments, that I was deeply encouraged by the power of gratitude.  One of our students shared about his grandfather who was ill and at the end of his life.  As we gathered around to pray for him, I began the prayer and then opened it up for our other students and leaders to pray for him.  Before anyone else had a chance to pray, the student we were praying for, began praying aloud himself.  It was a beautiful prayer of gratitude for his grandpa’s life and for the difference he had made to him.  Even during this difficult and sad moment, gratitude was expressed, and strength and faith were shown by this student.  Gratitude does strengthen our faith and is a witness and testimony to God’s work in our lives even during the most difficult times.

Amy Givens, Director of Youth Ministry