March 23, 2017

With God all things are possible – Matthew 19:26

“That’s not possible” and “That will never work” are two strains we often chant upon hearing something unbelievable about someone or some event, and when we are sure an idea or concept will never fly.
One of my favorite pastimes is watching home renovation shows on television. Often a homeowner will convey skepticism to their contractor or designer’s plans, pretty confident “that will never work.” I love the end results when the doubted design far exceeds their expectations. It’s all about trust. It is amazing to me how in everyday living, trust in God alone can transform us from “it’s impossible” to endless possibilities.
Many times we are challenged to forgive someone or something that seems impossible to forgive. In our hearts, revenge seems to trump forgiveness. But the grace and peace of Jesus Christ always makes forgiveness a possibility.
I remember a year or so ago, hearing the news story of a young man in Charleston, SC, gunning down members of a church participating in their weekly prayer and Bible study. That act of violence enraged me. How, possibly, could anyone forgive such cruelty? Days later, family members of the victims of this tragedy stepped forward and expressed their forgiveness to the young man who injured or killed their loved ones. Wow, what a reversal. Forgiveness trumped revenge in a huge way.
I do believe we can always choose forgiveness in any situation. We will be reminded of that possibility when we gather on that glorious high and holy day and celebrate the Risen Lord and Savior who forgave us all by death on a cross.
Robert Fasol, Organist and Choir Master