March 24, 2017

On Wednesday, London saw the deadliest terrorist attack they have seen in 12 years. Three people were killed in addition to the man responsible for the act. At times like this I find myself asking lots of questions. How could someone do something like this? What have we done in our world to cause someone to feel the way he must have felt? How can we keep things like this from happening in the future? Will these kinds of terrible acts ever end?

I wish I had all the answers to these questions, but I don’t. However, I find that when I turn towards Christ I encounter the One who says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” If we want to know the way forward, if we want to know the truth about what to do, and if we want to experience the abundant life rather than the distorted violent life of brokenness we have seen this week, it comes through a relationship with Christ.

Sometimes it seems impossible that we could ever truly achieve peace in this world. But right now at St. Luke’s we’re in the middle of a sermon series called “Impossible Possibilities”. We have been reminded that the things that seem impossible for us are made possible by God. If we want peace, it will only happen with God at the center of our lives and communities. God, who is powerful enough to overcome even death, is certainly powerful enough to transform our brokenness and violence into new life and peace.

Heavenly Father, in times when we are weak, we are grateful that you are strong. In times when we are lost, we are grateful that you show us the way. In times when we are confused, we are grateful that you bring the truth. We lift all of those who were affected by the attack in London to your loving care. Help us as your children to care for one another. Help us to share your love in such a way that nobody could ever be driven to do something like that again. Help us to reflect your light in a world of darkness. We give you thanks that you are the God of hope. Amen.