
Earlier this week I was preparing for my Wednesday Night Alive class on the Ten Commandments. Each week we are looking at a different commandment and what it means for our lives today as Christians. This week we were looking at the commandment, “Thou shall not make wrongful use of the name of the Lord.”



On Tuesday I got to celebrate my 27th birthday. Are you someone who likes to celebrate your birthday in big fashion or would you prefer if nobody even knew it was your birthday and you could avoid the birthday song being sung to you while everyone stares at you awkwardly? I probably fall somewhere in the middle. On the one hand, I’m not sure there is anything worse than having a room full of people look at you while they sing “Happy Birthday” to you off key. Fortunately, that didn’t happen to me this year! On the other hand, I also think it’s important to take every opportunity we get in life to celebrate the gift of living another day or another year.



Today is an historic day in our nation as we inaugurate our 45th President of the United States of America, Donald Trump. I know for some who are reading this, that is cause for celebration and hope. I know for others who are reading this, that is cause for concern and questions. There may even be some households where all of these feelings are represented under one roof.



Every year at St. Luke’s we celebrate a theme for the year. It gives us something to focus on and something to be intentional about. Last year, our theme was “The Kindness Project”. It’s not that I don’t try to be kind in other years, but having that as our theme just helped me stay accountable to performing acts of kindness every day. This year our theme is “Year of Gratitude”. I’m very excited about this year for a couple reasons.



Merry Christmas! Or better yet, Happy Epiphany! Did you know there are millions of people all over the world celebrating the birth of Jesus today? Epiphany is a special feast day in the Christian Church that takes place every year on January 6th. It’s always twelve days after Christmas (hence the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas”). Epiphany officially ends the Christmas Season in the Church.


Wednesdays with Wendy

The New Year

It’s the beginning of a brand new year. That means getting used to writing “2017” when it feels like I just became accustomed to “2016”. It means talk about resolutions, a new annual theme for our church, and thoughts toward upcoming sermon series. Perhaps best of all, it means a new start. We’ve been given the gift of a clean slate. Whatever 2016 meant to us with its ups and downs, 2017 has yet to be written. The script will be accomplished through a combination of circumstances and our reactions to them as well as our intentional actions apart from anything the world may throw our way.



If there is Black Friday and Cyber Monday, why not a Giving Tuesday? #GivingTuesday is a one-day annual movement focused on charitableagiving on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. Any size donation makes a difference. Make a donation to Studio 222 by texting #GivingTuesday to 405-252-9393.


Fall Festival of Treats

Is there anything more fun for kids than trick-or-treating? Going house to house to get candy in your favorite costume? How about going from car trunk to car trunk – with all the cars in the same parking lot? It’s called “Trunk or Treat.”
