Downtown Campus Discipleship Groups
For detailed information about a specific class, email Amy Givens, Director of Youth and Discipleship Ministries or call (405) 609-1027.
Downtown Campus Adult Sunday School
All Ages | Room 209
This class is comprised of couples and singles, is actively involved in many areas of the church and community. Lessons include Bible studies, current events, and cultural interest as they apply to our faith, The class participates in a variety of mission projects, including St. Luke’s Community Market.
All Ages | Room 225 | Zoom Option Available
The Insight Class focuses on understanding how to live the Christian faith in today’s world. We use biblical and theological resources. The class explores gaining a deeper understanding of our Bible with an open mind hoping to gain new insights. How do we discern and live its truths now? We also have members who join us weekly via Zoom. The class begins with a time of informal sharing, a teaching lesson and discussion mixed in during the lesson and afterwards. All viewpoints are welcome.
All ages | Room 205
Whether you’re new or not so new at St. Luke’s, or a new or seasoned church goer, join this casual group of folks who want to grow in their faith and make new friends. We are open to all ages, but most of us are 40+. We held our first meeting in May of this year, so we are still getting to know each other. We use PowerPoint slides and discussion questions to explore the weekly topics. Whether you want to chime in and share your thoughts or just listen to others, there’s a place for you!
Ages 25 – 40 | Room 201
Couples, married or not, plus single friends between the ages of 25 and 40 are invited to join us. This class focuses on creating an authentic community, building lifelong friendships, diverse thinking, and rich conversation – all while growing in faith.
Beginning September 8, the Among Friends Sunday School Class invite adults to join them in a six-week study exploring what God has to say to us about grace and forgiveness through The Book of Forgiving by Desmond Tutu and Mpho Tutu, and Adam Hamilton’s book on Forgiveness: Finding Peace Through Letting Go. You’ll be finding truths that echo into your own personal situation as well as practical help for answering common questions.
Contact Rev. Linda Harker for more information at via email or (405) 609-1045.
All Ages | Room 120 – Parlor | Zoom Option Available
This is a class open to couples and individuals of all ages. The class enjoys biblically-based lessons from highly knowledgeable teachers. The Believers Class values mission and service to others and works on a variety of mission and service projects during the year.
50 and older | Room 130
Our class for singles and couples shares studies in the Bible and in practical ways to live faithfully. Our class participates in and supports mission projects every year that bring assistanc and hope to those in need. About monthly we have a social event for fun and to become better friends.
40s and 50s | Room 208
This fun and relaxed class for adults includes couples and couples with children. Class members lead lessons in a discussion format that features many laughs and inspiring spiritual discussion about our faith and the scripture as it relates to everyday life issues.
Ages 50+ | Zoom Only
This class is a group of loving Christians who enjoy the study of God’s word and learning how to carry His message into the world. We welcome all ages singles or couples. This group meets each week on Zoom.
Ages 60+ | Room 106, Vaught Chapel
This class is an active, energetic and committed group involved in the Music Ministry, Meals on Meals and El Sistema Oklahoma. The flexible curriculum, though Bible-based, is chosen for its relevance and to encourage class discussion. The Upper Room is a group of couples and singles with a wide range of ages and diverse backgrounds.
Ages 50+ | Room 207
The class is composed of welcoming couples and single adults. Genesis primarily focuses on an open-minded discussion of cutting-edge social issues in the context of a liberal, Christ-centered theology for the purpose of implementing Christian behavior in our daily lives. Members share lives on Sunday mornings during social gatherings and outreach endeavors.
All Ages | Room 202
Soul Squad is a multi-generational class that meets after the
LifeLight service. The class focuses on 4, 5 & 6 week video series from such spiritual authors as Max Lucado, Adam Hamilton and Matt Rawle, with a focus on how we can better understand and relate to many areas of the Bible.
Ages 40+ | Room 200
This class is a “young” class of 40s and up! We have wonderful, insightful and fun discussions that challenge us to grow in our faith. Our group studies books, articles, movies and more that help deepen our knowledge and understanding of God’s love and His work in our world.
Downtown Campus Midweek Discipleship Groups
Led by: Amy Givens | agivens@stlukesokc.org
Resumes August 14
Seniors, get your week off to a great start with a Monday morning Bible Study. The Senior Bible Study is comprised of mostly retired adults and meets throughout the year (with breaks over the holidays). We go through various video-based studies. This is a good and faithful small group for discussion, care, and prayer. We are open to others joining us anytime on Monday mornings from 9:30 – 10:30. We meet in the Parlor and also have a Zoom option.
Rev. Linda Harker | lharker@stlukesokc.org
September 10 – October 15
Rev. Linda Harker and the Spirit Sisters invite all women to join the next six-week study from September 10 – October 15, 11 a.m. – 12:15 pm. in Room 202. They will be studying bestselling author, Rev. John Ortberg’s book If You Want to Walk on Water, Then You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat. Each session includes video clips and group discussions; you will discover how to discern God’s call, transcend fear, risk faith, manage failure, and trust God. John Ortberg invites you to consider the incredible potential that awaits you outside your comfort zone. You may purchase your books in Threefold. Please register using the form below.
Amy Givens | agivens@stlukesokc.org
Lunch provided for $5
New study starting October 24
Women of all ages and stages are invited to a 6-week video study based on Max Lucado’s study: How Happiness Happens. This study will take you through some of the “one another” passages of scripture: accepting one another, bearing with one another, serving one another, forgiving one another, carrying one another’s burdens, and finally loving one another as Jesus loves you.
Chris Heim | douglass.heim@gmail.com
Men of all ages are invited to grow in their faith every Thursday morning in the Men’s Faith Group. This is a good group for Bible study, accountability, and fellowship as we travel our faith journey together. The group does a variety of studies throughout the year.
Special Interest Groups
Last Thursday of the month. Room 130 at 7 a.m.
Bruce Stover bruce.stover@gmail.com
The Mission of The 4th Quarter is to provide the structure, process and encouragement for Christian men to focus on living the rest of their lives in a manner that honors the gifts, experience, and wisdom God has given them, according to His purpose and in His service, making a difference in the world around them to His glory and for the advancement of His kingdom on earth.
Once a Month on a Sunday | 12:30 – 2 p.m.
Downtown Campus Fellowship Hall
This group strives to build a community of moms who learn, grow, and support one another; to meet you right where you are as a mom, a woman, a friend, and child of God. Learn how to be better equipped as a parent through speakers and discussion. Grow through a supportive network of moms from newborns to teens. Find support from mentor moms who have been there before and are ready to walk the journey of motherhood with you too. Lunch and childcare are provided.
First Sunday of the Month. Mansion Library at 12:15 p.m.
Rev. Wendy Lambert | wlambert@stlukesokc.org
The St. Luke’s Open Hearts Community Group is for members of the LGBTQ community to grow in their faith. They meet on the first Sunday of each month at 12:15 p.m. in the Mansion Library, and lunch is provided.
We want this to become a community of parents striving to deepen our faith, strengthen our relationships, and weave His grace and love into the culture of our families. It will be a place we can connect and walk through this busy chapter together, more purposefully, and amongst faith-based friends.
Learn More about The Grove by clicking here.
Adults in their 20s and 30s looking for a small group are invited to join the Table on 1st and 3rd Saturday mornings at 10 a.m. in the Mansion Library at the Downtown Campus (201 NW 14th Street) for Bible study and fellowship. We are continuing to read through the Bible with our family of faith and encourage you to come and discuss it with us!
Mary Rachel Bailey | maryrbailey@yahoo.com
United Women in Faith, formerly known as United Methodist Women, is the official organization for women within the United Methodist Church that originally started in 1869. The St. Luke’s United Women in Faith is a diverse group of women where all are welcome to be a part of the UWF purpose and mission. You don’t have to be a part of the St. Luke’s congregation to be part of the United Women in Faith. We gather in fellowship and with purpose to support missions for women, children, and youth and act for justice and transformation of communities.
Click here to visit the UWF page.
Willow is a ministry for post high school students, ages 18-25, who desire to keep moving forward and growing in faith as students of Christ. Willow meets weekly on Wednesday evenings for a time of devotion and fun. Follow the Willow Instagram page for the latest events and times. Follow Willow on Instagram @willowministries.