Edmond Campus Discipleship Groups
For detailed information about a specific class, email Rev. Josh Attaway.
Edmond Campus: Sunday Morning Community Groups
Linda Harris | linda.harris56@sbcglobal.net | Frances Zerger | efzerger@cox.net
This group is a multi-generational group of all ages – couples and singles. This group meets in Room 131 on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m.
Designed for those aged 45-65, single or part of a couple, you can deepen your faith while forging new friendships, as part of Horizons Community Group. This is a wonderful chance to meet new friends, grow spiritually, and continue your faith journey. To learn more contact Julie Evans at jmevans1126@hotmail.com or simply show up any Sunday at 9:15 a.m.
Zach Russell | gzachrussell@gmail.com
This group is for adults with young families, couples, or singles. They meet on Sunday mornings at 10:15 in Room 133. Childcare and Sunday School are provided for children during the class time.
Ginger Kelliher | ginger.kelliher@gmail.com
We are a discussion based class where members decide on the curriculum and take turns presenting the various lessons. This group is open to couples and singles, age 50+.
Edmond Campus Community Groups
Men face unique challenges – juggling roles at home, our jobs, and in the community. For men who are striving to balance these roles, grow in their faith, and actively seek God’s will, you are invited to engage in our weekly faith group, serve in a mission capacity, and mentor others. The Men’s Ministry is a great way to become more engaged in the church.
Karen Littlefield | retirekaren@gmail.com
All ages are invited to join the Seeking Vision Community Group. We select and study based on the group’s wishes. Studies have included works by Adam Hamilton, Josh Scott, and Matt Rawle. We meet via zoom from 6:45 – 7:45 p.m. every Monday. Wherever you are on your journey, here is a group that will help lead you toward a study of God’s word with a group of friends.
Karen Littlefiled | retirekaren@gmail.com
This group is women from about 28 to 80+ years of age and has lively discussions. The zoom starts at 9:40 a.m. with discussion and the study starts at 10 a.m. We select and study based on the group wishes. Studies have included works by Adam Hamilton, Josh Scott, and Matt Rawle. Our members serve the church in a variety of ways from Choir to our food ministry and caring for one another.
Sarah Cohea | sdcohea@gmail.com
Josh Attaway | jattaway@stlukesokc.org
Men of all ages are invited to the Under Construction: Building Men of God group. This morning meeting promotes fellowship and growth with other dads and husbands.
The Under Construction Community Group is kicking off a new study on September 6, called “Everywhere is Jerusalem” by James C. Howell. This study will take you on a tour through significant places in our faith story and how those places and the events that happened there connect with our story. You can join together with other men to grow in faith, build new friendships, and build the life that God wants for you. This group is open to men of all ages. There is also a Zoom option available each week.
Special Interest Groups
Laura Manwell | laura.manwell@gmail.com
Ladies of all ages are welcome to enjoy a night out with food, fun, and fellowship! Meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at a different local restaurants.
Julie Slaughter
This group meets in the Narthex for a fun and relaxing time of fellowship, knitting, and other crafting projects. Feel free to bring your own projects with you to work on together. Knitters of all experience levels are welcome. If you have never knitted before, we love to teach beginners! Whether you are InKnit for knitting, relaxation, learning something for the first time, fun, or fellowship, you are welcome to join in.
Beginners are welcome from noon – 1 p.m. for instructions from some seasoned knitters.
Mary Rachel Bailey | maryrbailey@yahoo.com
United Women in Faith, formerly known as United Methodist Women, is the official organization for women within the United Methodist Church that originally started in 1869. The St. Luke’s United Women in Faith is a diverse group of women where all are welcome to be a part of the UWF purpose and mission. You don’t have to be a part of the St. Luke’s congregation to be part of the United Women in Faith. We gather in fellowship and with purpose to support missions for women, children, and youth and act for justice and transformation of communities.
Click here to visit the UWF page.