Local Missions
St. Luke’s is committed to be the hands and feet of Christ in our local community.
We offer a variety of opportunities to serve.
School Supply Drive

You can be a blessing to students simply by filling up a backpack! Be a part of St. Luke’s “Back To School Supplies Drive” each year in July. Backpacks will be displayed around the Downtown and Edmond Campuses, with each backpack having a school supplies list. Please take as many bags as you want, purchase the items on the list, and return the filled bag to either campus.
If you prefer, you can text “SLM School” to 73256 to make a donation for the supply drive, and we will fill the backpacks on your behalf.
To learn more, email Lori Hall
2024 School Supply List
1 Box of #2 Pencils
1 Box of 12 Colored Pencils
1 Box of 24 Crayons
1 Box of 10 Crayola Markers
1 Package of Black or Blue Ink Pens
1 Pair of Scissors
2 Glue Sticks
2 Pink Erasers
1 Package of Eraser Caps
1 Ruler Inch/CM
1 Wide Rule Notebook Paper
1 Composition Notebook
1 Single Subject Spiral Notebook
3 Plastic Pocket Folder with Brads
Reading Buddies OKC
St. Luke’s partners with a number of schools in the Oklahoma City metro area to help students and teachers. One of the ways we partner is through Reading Buddies. We have sponsored programs at Coolidge Elementary in Oklahoma City and El Sistema Oklahoma in Oklahoma City. If you are unable to volunteer at one of these locations, you can volunteer with the Oklahoma School Foundation to volunteer closer to your home.
Will Rogers Wildcat Buddies
Arts @ St. Luke's

St. Luke’s is committed to the arts and has many events throughout the year; from concerts at each campus to musicals in the Poteet Theatre. Volunteers can help with productions throughout the year. To learn more about upcoming shows, visit the Arts @ St. Luke’s page.
Event Volunteers
Volunteers are needed at every arts event; from serving as greeters and ushers to box office and concession stand help, there are a number of ways that you and your family can serve together in the arts.
Prop Crew
Each show that is performed needs special props to help tell the story. The Poteet Theatre has a vast inventory of props, but a team of volunteers works to pull these props together for each show.
Set Crew
Volunteers are needed to help create the set for each play or musical in the Poteet Theatre. If you are proficient in woodworking, or a good painter, your skills can be used in this ministry area.
Tech Crew
A musical is not complete without sound and lighting. Volunteers are needed for each event, so if you have a passion for lighting or sound engineering, we have a place for you. Training is provided.

El Sistema Oklahoma

El Sistema Oklahoma is an after-school program serving over 200 underserved public school children in the heart of Oklahoma City by engaging children within an ensemble-based music program so they can share the joy of music making and grow as responsible citizens. Learn more about the program on the El Sistema website.
El Sistema Oklahoma needs volunteers every day, Monday through Friday between the hours of 2 – 6 p.m. Volunteers set their own, flexible schedules. Come every day or only one day a week. Come for the entire time or only an hour. Every bit of time spent volunteering with us is valuable to our children. We do find that our most successful volunteers serve on a regular schedule, as this helps you learn our program and develop relationships with the children, faculty and other volunteers.
Volunteer with St. Luke's Partners
Neighborhood Services Organization
NSO serves the at-risk and homeless of the OKC community. They provide housing solutions, teach daily living skills, provide a free dental clinic and WIC clinic to those in need. You can volunteer as a group to be an apartment sponsor for a new family, put together hygiene kits for the homeless, create welcome baskets for those in transitional housing.
Rebuilding Together
Participate in our annual Rebuilding Day program each spring and help repair and restore a neighbor’s home. Rebuilding Together is focused on repairing homes, revitalizing communities and creating a safer space for needy homeowners in our community.
Sisu Youth Services
Sisu Youth Services provides shelter and care for homeless youth. We help them by being a part of their weekly mealtime. Volunteers help by preparing or proving a weekly meal. This is a great project for a class or family to serve together to help others.
Local Schools
Volunteer to help students with reading or provide mentoring and support to elementary aged children. Volunteers work with students in person and online to help them improve their skills. Additionally, volunteers support the students and teachers with school supply drives, teacher appreciation events and other activities throughout the year.
Skyline Urban Ministries
Skyline is on a mission to serve those living in the shadows of our community bridging the gaps in their resources with kindness and respect. They provide a low-cost eye clinic, a food resource center, an urban garden, wellness program and a style shop. All these programs have a need for regular volunteers to assist clients. Most of the volunteer opportunities are Monday-Friday and then third Saturday each month.
Support Afghan Families
Over 1,800 people from Afghanistan have been relocated to Oklahoma, most are families, and about 1,000 residing in Oklahoma City. They receive a modest setup for their home, but there a tangible ways that we can assist them. You can help by sponsoring a family by helping with basic home furnishings and help them in learning about our culture and community and becoming a much-needed friend and supporter here in Oklahoma City.