Racism is polluting our country and we are all affected by its poison. It seems like it has only grown worse and it is in times like this I can become so frustrated. I want to do something, yet – I also feel somewhat helpless to take on the entire subject of “racism in America”.
But I refuse to give up. I may not be able to change everything, but I can do something. I might not be able to have an affect on everyone, but I can govern my own behavior. Here is my commitment, as small as it might be: I commit to do my very best to see each and every person through the eyes of God and remember that God loves all of humanity as God’s children; I commit to do my best to learn about and celebrate different cultures and people with my family; I commit to grieve when I see the sinfulness of racism; and I commit to pray for healing and a greater personal awareness of what I can do to make a difference.
Gracious Lord, forgive our sins and hear our prayers.