October 13, 2022

“The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!” He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm.  “Where is your faith?” he asked his disciples.” – Luke 8:24-25a

One of the more significant spiritual struggles for any of the people of God is the issue of control. I don’t know about you, but I like to be in control. I like to be in control of today. I like to be in control of tomorrow. I like to be in control of the future. How about you? How do you feel when you are not in control?

The disciples were with Jesus, crossing the Sea of Galilee. Jesus was sleeping when a strong storm suddenly appeared. It was so rough that the disciples thought it was going to cause their boat to sink and them to drown. As you read the story, you can sense the attitude of the disciples’ move from peace to panic.  First, they were in fear for their lives. Secondly, they were panicked because they had lost control. Eventually, Jesus would wake and calm the storm. It was one of the most powerful moments in the Gospel.

I believe that Luke shares this story because he wants all of God’s disciples to wrestle with control. The truth is, we all experience times in our lives when we are not in control. Storms arrive in our lives and circumstances move us beyond our ability and power to control what is going on around us. That is where our faith must be considered.

Two questions arise in this story. The first is a question about Jesus. After Jesus calms the storm, the disciples ask the question “Who is this?” This is a significant question that we should not read past quickly. This question is there to make us wrestle with the power and authority of Jesus. Jesus has the power to control the circumstances of our life, because Jesus has the power and authority to control all of creation.

The second question is from Jesus. He asks the disciples, “Where is your faith?” Jesus was not belittling the disciples. Jesus was teaching them. He was instructing them to place their faith, their trust, in the One who has the power, the wisdom, and the grace to care for the whole world. When the storms of life rage against us, we find ourselves powerless. This powerlessness causes anxiety, fear, and often leads to bad decisions and actions. Jesus wants his disciples to put their trust in him. He is worthy of our trust. The greatest control we have is placing our trust, our hope, our faith in Jesus. He loves us. He cares for us. He has the power to make our circumstances far better than anything we can possibly imagine.

Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship