February 24, 2023

I find Oklahoma to be one of the most consistent, peaceful, lovely places in which to grow up. I am biased since I grew up here, but I have lived all over the place and I still come back to the undeniable stillness that exists when you gaze out over the highway and the land stretches for miles, farther than the eye can see, and the sky seems like it doesn’t have an end… that peace has never left. When I would return from New York, LA, London, or India, I couldn’t help but feel like I could breathe better here. The consistency and stability of Oklahoma is a gift that I don’t take for granted.

I was recently at dinner with a close friend, and she asked me about some upcoming travels that my husband and I have planned.  I told her I have always had extreme anxiety when it comes to travel. It usually takes me weeks to prepare to get on a plane because the fear of flying is something I struggle to overcome.  I cling to what is familiar, unchanging, consistent, and safe. Until a couple of years ago, I have not really known the word “home.” It struck me that I was living in fear, even if it’s for a good reason, it isn’t the fulfillment to which God is calling me. He has more for me, and although change scares us, He knows what is best for us and “has plans to prosper us and not to harm us” – Jeremiah 29:11.

Jesus wanted to change the scope of an entire way of believing. We act like that is just normal or, at least as a child, I just assumed “yeah, Jesus came and told them how to change and then the world was saved!” Clearly, that was not the case. People thousands of years ago didn’t want change, so what makes us think they would want it now? Change is scary. It leaves us open and vulnerable, which could turn us into animals feeling the need to protect ourselves from danger.

Yet, Jesus didn’t come to force anyone to change, just to provide a fresh perspective. So maybe change isn’t something that we need to brace ourselves for, but rather take a deep breath and slowly move into it like when we dip our toes into cold water. My favorite verses, Ephesians 3:20-21 of The Message translation, are so clear: God can do anything, far more than we could ever guess or request in our wildest dreams. He does it not by pushing around, but by working within us. His spirit deeply, and gently within us. We are not pushed around to change, we just need to invite Him in to make the change within us.

Kelsey Paul, Downtown LifeLight Worship Leader, Director of Arts Education