January 25, 2018

There are 66 books in the Bible in both the Old and New Testaments. The Bible is a collection of stories that are written over a span over 1500 years by over 40 different people. During this time period, the world and culture changed and that’s reflected in the scriptures. There are also different literary styles from narrative and books of history, to prophecy, poetry, and letters to both churches and individuals. Even if we take a closer look at the 4 Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) we see that they have a common goal – to share the good news of Christ – but in so doing, while they include many of the same stories, they also tell different stories and from different perspectives and have different audiences in mind.

These aspects can make the Bible challenging to understand at times. We have to read different styles of literature in different ways. We must consider the context that the scriptures were written, in a particular time period and culture, and the particular audience it was intended for. But don’t let this keep you from seeing something bigger that God is doing in the world and even in your life!

God was doing something more through the Bible than what would just connect to the people of the time period that these stories would be known and shared. Even with all of its variety of time, authors, and style, the Bible is telling a much more connected and big story from Genesis to Revelation and even to us today. It’s a story of redemption and a story of God’s love to us. So, keep in mind the bigger picture when you read a book, a story, a psalm, or a letter. Think about Jesus when reading stories in the Old Testament. You’ll see that God inspired ordinary people to write an amazing story. Don’t be afraid to take a step back in your own life’s story too. Keep in mind the bigger picture, and know that through the variety of experiences, people, and places that you’ve found yourself, that there is an amazing story that God is revealing to you as well.

Amy Givens, Director of Youth Ministries