December 29, 2017

Our daily tasks take so much energy. From the time we get up, go to work and make sure that chores at home are done most of us fall fast asleep, only to wake up and do it again the next day. Recently, I became sick with the flu. It became a terrible reminder to me of how much energy was required to complete my daily tasks.

One task that I needed to accomplish while I was sick was rolling the trashcan to the curb. I completely forgot about the trash until I heard the truck coming down our quiet little street. I did not have the energy to jump up and race them to the end of my driveway. I resigned myself to missing the trash that day.

Later that morning, I stepped out of my front door to get something out of my car. I was pleasantly surprised to find that one of my neighbors had put my can out to the curb for me! It seems like a small gesture, but when you lack the energy to do the small things, it is a big blessing!

There are opportunities around us everyday day to do small, anonymous acts of kindness. As a person who was recently on the receiving end of one of these acts, I can tell you they truly do make a difference. I could not help but smile, look around at my neighbor’s homes and be grateful. Who could you bless with a small act of kindness? You never know how one little act can become a huge blessing.

Rev. Keith King, Online Campus Pastor