October 18, 2024

“The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein.” –Psalm 24:1

We have two big, beautiful trees in our front yard. They provide shade in the summer. We hang Christmas lights on them in the winter. We enjoy watching the birds build their nests in the spring. Our trees have been home to several baby birds in the past few years. Throughout the year, our trees offer so much. In the fall, they, of course, offer us leaves to rake!

I spent some time mowing the grass and picking up the leaves this past week. Both trees are beginning their winter slumber. The grass around them is turning brown, and the trees will soon be bare. Yet, even as things grow dormant during the fall, I could see great beauty in the falling leaves. The fall leaves, lying on the canvas of grass, were terrific. Each leaf had a different pattern: some yellow and some orange.

As I was mowing the grass and cleaning the leaves in my front yard, I was reminded that God provides for us in all seasons of our lives. Even in the cold, dreary days when winter is approaching, there is grace and beauty to be found in God’s world. It is easy to lose sight of the splendor of God in our midst, but if we stop and look around, we will see grace, love, and hope during a cold, bleak day. Take an intentional look around today. See if you can spot the beauty of God’s wonderful world.

-Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship