“Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” – Romans 12:13
On November 29, 1965, Claire Bauman started a temporary, part-time job. Working for the Cherry Hill police department in Cherry Hill, Pennsylvania, Claire became the crossing guard at Horace Mann Elementary. On her first day, she stopped traffic and escorted the children across a busy street. On Thursday, June 16, 2022, Claire Bauman retired from her temporary, part-time job after 57 years.
Claire Bauman walked countless numbers of children across that busy street for over three generations. Day after day, she made sure that the students made it to class safely. To celebrate her 57 years of service, the police department and the school arranged for her to be picked up from home in a beautiful classic convertible Chevrolet. She arrived at work to a wonderful gathering of former students, parents, teachers, and police officers. All were there to celebrate a very special lady who had faithfully served her community. Speeches were given, and presentations were made to honor Claire.
When the police department honored Claire, they presented her with a beautiful arrangement of flowers and a proclamation from the city, honoring her service. The police said, “We would like to congratulate Guard Ms. Claire for providing safe passage for three generations of Horace Mann students.” I am not sure that one could end their career with a better tribute.
There is no greater calling for us than to care for the people around us. Claire Bauman dedicated her life to shepherding the smallest and most vulnerable in her community. She has been far more than a crossing guard. She has been a shepherd who guided little ones to safety. Along the way, Claire provided a bright smile, a warm welcome, and a caring heart to all the students who crossed her path. As the years went by, the students often cared for her, becoming like family.
As a people of faith, we are called to care for one another. Like God, who shepherds us and leads us to places of rest and peace (Psalm 23), we too are called to provide hospitality for those around us. We are to love and care for one another. Claire Bauman dedicated her life to caring for the children of Horace Mann Elementary. I hope her story will be a reminder today that we are called to care for the people around us. We are called to “Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.” (Romans 12:13)
– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship