August 1, 2019

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. – John 14:27

This world can be filled with chaos and stress. We spend our days rushing to get everything done, trying to meet deadlines, and trying to cram as much as we can into one day. All of this can make it difficult to take time to just be in the moment, to see the beauty in this world, and to spend time with God. We get so busy and let the things of this world take us over, allowing ourselves to forget what is truly important.

For a long time, I had a hard time seeing God as loving and one that can bring me peace. With my experience of church in the past, I learned to fear God. Through other events in my life I learned not to trust very many men, so seeing God as a man was very hard for me. I found it very hard to pray and talk to God. When I started counseling to deal with my past, the suggestion was made for me to find a new way to see God. If seeing Him as a man was so hard for me, then I needed to find another image that worked for me. I thought about this for awhile and one day I sat down to pray, and I asked God to help me see Him in a new way. When I closed my eyes, I saw a bright, warm light that surrounded me. This light made me feel safe, loved, and at peace. This image of God helped me to trust Him and to spend time with Him and His word, and I truly found peace.

Now, when my days are filled with chaos and stress, I stop and take the time to remember that vision of God as a bright light surrounding me. I feel His peace and He calms me and relieves my stress. I have learned to start each day sitting in my chair, reading God’s word surrounded by the vision of His light. Doing this starts my day in peace and reminds me to share that peace with others.

Lee Ann Simpson, Administrative Assistant, Asbury Campus