“So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all and especially for those of the family of faith.” – Galatians 6:10
The neighborhood milkman is something we don’t talk about these days. That career is something that belongs to history. There are still many wonderful people who deliver food and groceries, but not like the neighborhood milkman. Now, if you have something delivered, it comes from Uber, Amazon, or any of the other online ordering platforms. However, Mick Tutton has still been delivering milk to doorsteps in the neighborhood of St. Michaels, just north of London. He has been a constant for the people in St. Michaels. He is known as ‘Mick the Milk’ and the people of his community count on him and love his daily, cheerful deliveries.
Recently, Mick announced that he was retiring from his position after 47 years on the job. Mick made his decision because his 20-year-old milk truck had broken down and was beyond repair. Mick decided the truck and he both needed to retire. The community wanted to celebrate Mick. They began writing notes to congratulate him, until someone learned that Mick was one year away from being able to collect his retirement. The community jumped into action to help their favorite milk man.
The people of St. Michael’s started a retirement fund for Mick. They wanted to help the person who had served them for so many years. The fund grew and grew. It was evident that the people truly valued the man who had started delivering to their homes when he was 16. The people were able to present Mick the Milk with $20,000. It was a true blessing for Mick and his family.
As a people of faith, we are called to love our neighbors. Each person we encounter has value because they are a child of God. It is important that we take time to consider how people make a difference in our lives. It is equally important that we consider how we can make a difference in our neighbor’s lives. In the same way that God loves and cares for us, we too must love and care for our neighbors.
– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship