June 28, 2021

“Those who are generous are blessed, for they share their bread with the poor.” – Proverbs 22:9

Moving is a difficult task. We have so much stuff. When we must box up our belongings and transport them from one place to another, it can be an overwhelming task. Often, when people are about to move, they take time to sort through their possessions. It is a great opportunity to lighten the load before the move. Many people have a garage sale. Some people give some things away. After all, who wants to load and unload all that stuff?

Jabari Richardson was in the process of moving. He is a student at Florida A&M. Like many students, he was moving to a new place for the summer. Jabari wanted to sell some of his things. He wanted a little extra spending money, and he did not want to keep moving this stuff from place to place. Jabari was driving down a road in Tallahassee when he spotted a homeless man on the street corner. Jabari remembered his mom teaching him, “There are a lot of people that are in need.” He pulled over, opened his trunk and began to share with this man. Giving it away was better than the money he would make by selling his clothes.

In an interview with the local TV station, Jabari said, “My mom always had clothes on my back and shoes on my feet. I can definitely take that for granted.” Jabari has tremendous gratitude for all that he has, and knows he has enough to bless others. When he pulled over that day, he had a quick conversation with the man on the corner. After their conversation, Jabari went to his trunk and began selecting clothes that would work. The person who was behind him in traffic started to get anxious but then decided to film what was happening. Later they posted it to social media. It did not take long for this go viral. It brought so much joy to those who witnessed his act of kindness.

We all have more than we need. Like Jabari, we have things we need to part with. We also have enough to bless others. When we take from our abundance, and give to those who are in need, we lighten our load and help to make another’s journey better. Giving makes our days brighter, blesses our neighbor, and brings joy to so many.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship