“Above all, maintain constant love for one another, for love covers a multitude of sins. Be hospitable to one another without complaining.” -1 Peter 4:8-9
The month of August is easily described with one word…HOT! The sun seems to be brighter and stronger than almost any other time of the year. The wind rarely blows and when it does it is often a hot wind from south. Not much will bring people out of the air conditioning and into the scorching heat.
One thing that will often draw us out of our comfort-controlled environments is the tasty goodness of ice cream. This delicious and cold treat helps us to confront the brutal heat of summer. The officers of the Toledo Police Department understand the relief that ice cream can bring. That is why they recently debuted their department’s newest piece of equipment, an ice cream truck. Now the neighborhoods of Toledo, Ohio have some relief from the heat when the officers of Cops and Cones start to give away free cold treats.
The community of Toledo, Ohio have loved to see the Cops and Cones truck making its way around the city. They now have launched an app so that people can find the truck as it makes its way around town.
I don’t think it is just the ice cream that makes the Cops and Cones truck such a popular attraction around town. So often we hear just how bad other people can be. We often don’t venture into public because our current culture highlights the bad while ignoring the good. When the Toledo police loaded their coolers and truck and went into the neighborhood, they went with the purpose of connecting with their neighbors. As they spend time with their neighbors they are building relationships that overcome fear, worry misconceptions, that come with the unknown.
We were created to be part of community. When we step out of our comfort to meet our neighbors we find a great joy in connecting to others. Once we meet our neighbors we have a chance to extend kindness. When we, like the Toledo Police Department are purposeful about living in intentional community we can find joy that overcomes any worry and fear we may have about our neighbors. We may even find that our community is far more a gift than we realize in our isolation. I hope you will meet a new friend today. Greet a neighbor. We are all God’s children and it is a gift to be part of God’s community.
Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship