December 28, 2017

Cole Hamels is a major league baseball player. He is a starting pitcher for the Texas Rangers. During his great career in professional baseball, Hamels has started in over 250 games. He is a talented left-handed picture that helped to lead the Philadelphia Phillies to a world series victory where he was named the World Series Most Valuable Player. Cole Hamels has played baseball most of his life, was drafted right out of high school and has been a very successful player.

During his time as a major league player Cole Hamels has been able to use his amazing ability to earn a great deal of money. He has also given away a great deal of money. Recently, Cole and his wife, Heidi made the news because they blessed a ministry, Camp Barnabas, with the gift of their $9,000,000.00 home. The camp will receive all the proceeds of the sale of the home. This is the largest donation Camp Barnabas has ever received.

Camp Barnabas is a camp for children and youth with disabilities. Their ministry is to create an environment where these students and often their family, can experience the love of Christ while having an opportunity grow in a challenging environment. I have known people who have served on the staff at Camp Barnabas and I can tell you it is a place where all lives are changed.

The gift that Cole and Heidi have given to this wonderful ministry will allow Camp Barnabas to dream great dreams and extend their ministry for many years. It is a gift that will help this ministry redefine what is possible for their future ministry.

You don’t have to be a Major League Pitcher to bless wonderful ministries like Camp Barnabas. When each of us give, according to our ability, we can join people like Cole and Heidi in offering others an opportunity to experience God’s love, and dream new dreams.

Rev. Keith King, Online Campus Pastor