July 23, 2018

“So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all, and especially for those of the family of faith.” – Galatians 6:10

On a recent trip to the grocery store, as I was pulling into the parking lot, I witnessed a gentleman drop a package of hamburger buns out of his shopping cart. He was walking quickly to his car, I’m sure to avoid the Oklahoma heat in the parking lot. I also know I saw at least one other person witness his hamburger buns fall out of the cart. Sadly, nobody said anything to the gentleman.

I can’t imagine why no one would say something. Perhaps, in the moment, people just wanted to look away and not be bothered. Maybe they thought someone else would take care of it. It is possible the heat was cause for people to just want to get into their air-conditioned cars as quick as possible.

I parked my car as quickly as I could. I went over and picked up the hamburger buns and followed the gentleman to his car. We had a brief conversation and he said, “Thank you.” I made my way into the store to pick up my few items.

While I was walking the aisles of the store I could not help but think that it really took very little time to do that once small, kind deed. It was really no bother. I also could not help but wonder how many times I have had the opportunity to do something kind for another person, but instead I turned away.

As a people of faith, we must always be on the lookout for opportunities to bless someone else. There is always time for kindness. It is always the right time to be kind.

Rev. Keith King, Online Campus Pastor