May 11, 2022

“…but with God all things are possible.” – Matthew 19:26

God has given us wonderful gifts of imagination, resourcefulness, and creativity. We have the ability to create and accomplish amazing things. There is not much that limits us from achieving our dreams. As a people of faith, we know that with God all things are possible.

Chad Kempel wanted to demonstrate this wonderful truth to all the people in his life. He set out to train for a marathon. Running a marathon is a tremendous challenge. It takes a significant amount of time to train your body and your mind to run 26.2 miles. Few people in the world can say they have completed a marathon, much less run the entire time. Chad completed his marathon in five hours and 31 minutes. That is a great accomplishment in a great time.

What makes Chad Kempel’s marathon a significant accomplishment is that he is the father of quintuplets. Chad and his wife, Amy, have three boys and two girls who are now four years old. He pushed a special stroller that held all five children while running his marathon. Chad completed the marathon while pushing an additional 240 pounds of children. Amy rode her bike alongside to encourage him throughout the 26.2 mile run. It was hot and when he finished, Chad told everyone he was exhausted.

Chad carried a sign while running. The sign read, “Anything is possible.” It is a message that he wants to share with his family, friends, and the world to know that when you dream big and work hard, all things are possible.

This is a wonderful reminder for us. As a people of faith, we know that God has given us the ability to dream significant dreams. We also know that God is at work in our world to make all things possible. Chad Kempel is a father that wants his children to know that the biggest limitations they will encounter in life are the ones they place on themselves. Our Heavenly Father wants all His children to know the same. We need not limit ourselves. We should dream big and know that, in love, God is at work in the world. “With God all things are possible.”

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship