February 27, 2018

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. – Proverbs 22:6
Growing up in another denomination that was very strict in their beliefs and teachings, I remember being afraid of God. I do not recall missions of any kind, not even helping those less fortunate. So, understanding “living an abundant life” didn’t exist until much later in life.
I have always enjoyed the feeling I would have of “doing” things for others, but didn’t understand what God was teaching me or where He was leading me. Like other families in the 50’s, our family was poor and lived a simple life (on the other side of the tracks). I was the youngest of five with a wide age difference. Both parents worked, so after school I spent my time running around our neighborhood. I was drawn to the senior citizens and would usually stop and help pick their garden, swing with them on their porch, or sweep their sidewalks. I never ask for anything in return, I just remember it was fun and I looked forward to going back to help them again!
As I look back on my life experiences, I finally realized that living an abundant life wasn’t about living in nice neighborhoods, driving nice cars, and wearing the latest fashions whatsoever. I had been living an abundant life since I was a little girl.
I thank God, every day, for the abundance of love He has given me and the opportunity to share it with others in different ways. This year one of the ways I get to share is with our Lenten Prayer Walk at the Asbury Campus. My hope is those who walk the path will draw closer to God and in their faith.
Realizing God gave me a gift of living an abundant life when I was a little girl (not knowing what it was), I know He never gave up on me. He continues giving us opportunities every day to understand our purpose here on earth. Please remember He will never give up on you and He has given us the greatest gift, “life eternal.”
My prayer for you this Lenten season is that you would be still, reminisce, and pray for God to help you recognize your gifts and to truly live an abundant life, sharing His love and bringing hope to the world.
Rev. Connie Barnett, Asbury Campus Pastor