May 3, 2023

“Above all hold unfailing your love for one another, since love covers a multitude of sins. Practice hospitality ungrudgingly to one another. As each has received a gift, employ it for one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace” – 1 Peter 4:8-10

Christian Barber is a mechanic. He spends his days fixing cars. He is the lead mechanic at Phantom Motor Works in Rhode Island. Christian would often see a young lady in a wheelchair passing by his shop. One day, she stopped and asked for a little help. She needed some air in her wheelchair tire. Christian was glad to help. While filling the tire with air, Christian struck up a conversation with the young lady, Linda Abrants. They quickly became friends.

Linda continued to stop by the shop in the days and weeks to follow. One day, Linda asked Christian if he would be willing to look at the wheelchair lift in her truck. It was not working well and the company that made it was not helpful with service after the sale. Christian knew it was important and he agreed.

It took him several weeks, looking for parts and trying to better understand how the lift worked, but Christian was able to make the lift work like new. Linda was thrilled when she returned to the shop for the lift to be installed. Christian had given her the gift of greater mobility and freedom.

We all like to think of ourselves as independent, but the truth is we need each other. Christian and Linda remind us that we are only self-sufficient to a point. We need the gifts and strengths of others to help from time to time. This is why we are called to treat our neighbors with love and respect. God created us to work together, so that we can better live our lives. When we see a neighbor in need, we should help. When we are in need, we should not be afraid to look to others. We have been created for one another and when we help one another, we all go forward.

– Rev. Keith King, Pastor of Worship