
Every year at St. Luke’s we celebrate a theme for the year. It gives us something to focus on and something to be intentional about. Last year, our theme was “The Kindness Project”. It’s not that I don’t try to be kind in other years, but having that as our theme just helped me stay accountable to performing acts of kindness every day. This year our theme is “Year of Gratitude”. I’m very excited about this year for a couple reasons.



Merry Christmas! Or better yet, Happy Epiphany! Did you know there are millions of people all over the world celebrating the birth of Jesus today? Epiphany is a special feast day in the Christian Church that takes place every year on January 6th. It’s always twelve days after Christmas (hence the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas”). Epiphany officially ends the Christmas Season in the Church.


New Year

A new year is an exciting time. It brings with it a sense of hope and anticipation for all that lies ahead. We know that God offers us new beginnings each and every day, yet there is something special about turning the calendar over to a new year that reminds us of a new beginning that we all need from time to time.


Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve has always been one of my favorite days of the year. As a child, we had a tradition in our family that we got to open Christmas presents on Christmas Eve after we got home from church. As you can imagine, the fact that I got to open presents the day before all my friends was certainly a highlight. But, as I grew older I began to appreciate Christmas Eve for a very different reason.



I found out last Sunday firsthand that life can bring you all kinds of surprises! If you weren’t in worship at St. Luke’s Edmond, I’ll fill you in briefly on what happened without boring you with the finer details. Almost every week at St. Luke’s Edmond we have the opportunity to see Dr. Bob Long’s sermon broadcast during both worship services. It is able to be transferred to us through the internet from our Downtown Campus. For almost three years now, we have never had a problem getting the sermon delivered.



During the season of Advent we often light candles on an Advent wreath at church as we count down the four Sundays leading up to Christmas. You may even have a wreath or something similar that you use at home with your family in preparation for Christmas. Each of these candles has a different theme that traditionally accompanies it. These themes are intended to help us as we prepare ourselves to receive the gift of God’s grace.


Christmas Concert

Every year there are several things I do to get in the Christmas spirit. I love reading our daily devotionals from the St. Luke’s staff. I love going to look at Christmas lights. I love decorating my home, putting the lights on the house, putting the tree up, and placing the nativity scene on the mantle. But, one of the things I must have every year to experience Christmas is Christmas carols and Christmas music.



It’s Black Friday so that means it’s time for the Christmas season, right?! Well, not exactly. At least not in the Church calendar. Historically, in the Church liturgical calendar, this Sunday begins the season of Advent. Advent is the four Sundays leading up to Christmas. Each Sunday is marked by the themes of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.



I’m one of those people – the kind that has to wait until after Thanksgiving before I start decorating for Christmas or listening to Christmas music. I actually really love Thanksgiving. Of course, the food is amazing. Every family seems to have their own Thanksgiving traditions when it comes to food. For my family it’s Holy Pudding and Monkey Pod Bread. For Brittany’s family it’s Heavenly Pink Fluff and Case Noodle. At our Thanksgiving, there’s always football on TV, great food on the table, fun times with family, and of course the tryptophan nap that afternoon after I have a belly full of turkey.


Election Thoughts

I know some of you can’t get enough political talk right now, while others are sick of it all and are ready to move on. If you are in the camp that you can’t get enough and want to hear some of my thoughts on the election, feel free to read to the bottom. If you are in the camp that is sick of it all, here are a few really terrible jokes for you that will hopefully brighten your day.
