The children of Wasilla and Christ UMC returned for their 2nd day of VBS. They were given homework to color pictures with the heading of “God Loves You” and bring them back the next day. In learning about sharing God’s love the pictures are going to be taken to the children’s ward at a hospital in Anchorage on Saturday.
Clearing of brush and trees continued by team members as well as painting inside the parsonage.
Wednesday evening Pastor Dan and Pastor Connie combined their skills and presented a program on “How to make Disciples”. This was based on materials provided by the Oklahoma Conference Discipleship Ministries Director Derrek Belase. Afterwards a brief discussion was held on the possibilies of Christ UMC and St. Luke’s partnering on this ministry.
A delicious pot luck was provided by the congregation of Christ UMC consisting of moose, caribou, and fresh salmon! The church also presented gifts to each member of the mission team.