February 13, 2017

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” -Jeremiah 29:11

As a dance instructor, I’ve always had a flare for the dramatic, even as a child. I can remember singing one of my favorite songs “This Little Light of Mine” and directing my mother to be the videographer as well as work the lights. I directed her to turn the lights off when I sang, “Hide it under a bushel” and turn them back on when I screamed, “No!” After a few failed attempts, I went on to explain the importance of my “lighting cues” as I was singing my song. As a dancer and lover of the arts, music has always played a big role in my life. Not only do I enjoy music, but also it was a part of how I played as a child and is a way for me to express myself.

Now, Addison Road’s version of “This Little Light of Mine” is one of my favorite songs. When I’ve had a rough day, there are specific songs I turn up and sing to let out of those feelings. The first verse says, “There’s a flame inside us all, some shine bright and some shine small, the rains will come and the waters rise but don’t you ever lose your light.” Hearing this line immediately releases my tension. Those words reset my thoughts to focus on God when I have been focusing too much on my worries.

The song goes on to say “Let your eyes get wide when your look at the stars with the same sense of wonder as a child’s heart and hold on to your dream, don’t ever let go. There’s a fire inside you burning with hope.” Often we forget to look at the world with wonder, we forget to dream. As children, we are always imagining big things and saying, “When I grow up I’m going to…”

God’s plan for us doesn’t stop when we become adults, you don’t reach a certain point and He says, “Ok, I’m done with you!” God’s plan for us continues to evolve and changes with time. So, why is it that we allow ourselves to stop creating, imagining, inventing, and dreaming BIG dreams? He wants us to use our dreams to find our purpose. No matter what is troubling you, know you have a “light.” You have a purpose and God has a plan for you. Dream big, let your light shine, and never stop wondering what you’re going to be when you grow up.

Meredith Lee, St. Luke’s Children’s Center Management