March 18, 2025

Another said, “I will follow you, Lord; but let me first say farewell to those at my home.” Jesus said to him, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” – Luke 9:61 – 62

What does this scripture mean? Did this man make a mocking claim to follow Jesus but then slip away in the crowd? Just before this scripture, Christ left a town that would not receive Him and His followers. Jesus and the disciples continued on to Jerusalem, and on the road, they ran into some men. I have always imagined this as a busy road (since it leads to Jerusalem) and that the people knew who Jesus was already. I feel like Jesus’ responses to the men here may seem cold, and that could be because He was refused a place to “lay His head” in the town they just left, and along the road, the passersby continued to mock and disrespect Him.

What gives us the strength to carry on when we feel dejected, disrespected, mocked, belittled, etc.? Christ was on His way to enter Jerusalem as the King of Peace. He was “meek,” and to show His meekness and peaceful nature, He did not lash out at those who were mocking. He answered with difficult statements that get to our very core reading them today.

Do we believe in the Resurrected Christ? Have we chosen to act and follow Him? How are we living out our own lives of being loving servants to others? We must strive each day to move forward without looking back in doubt, insecurity, or shame… We find strength in the love and sacrifice He shared with the entire world.

Logan Fish, Edmond Campus Director of Hospitality, Director of Poteet Theatre

—– Easter Offering —–

For over 10 years, El Sistema Oklahoma (ESO) has served the children of the Oklahoma City area. In addition to the original orchestral program, ESO has expanded to offer a second vocal program for students of all abilities. Two hundred students are served each year from 16 partner schools. Since 2020, 52 graduates have received over $3 million in college scholarships.

The mission of ESO is to serve the community by engaging children within an ensemble-based music program so they can share the joy of music-making and grow as responsible and productive citizens. Using a holistic approach, ESO provides opportunities for each of their students to enjoy brighter futures.

One example of the difference we can make by supporting ESO through the Easter Offering is seen in a young boy who had difficulty engaging with people when he first started attending ESO. He made little eye contact and had trouble sitting still long enough for him to make progress with his instrument. However, the staff of ESO operates with patience and compassion. Over the days and weeks, they worked with the young boy and began to gain his trust. They gave him the space and interaction he needed, and slowly, he began to open up.

Today, he is a student leader, having learned the necessary coping skills and becoming proficient in music. From a shy young boy who didn’t make eye contact and rarely interacted to a young leader who engages easily with his peers and adults alike, the ministry of El Sistema Oklahoma has opened a world of opportunities for him.

When you support the Easter Offering you become part of the life-transforming ministry of ESO. To learn more about their program and volunteer opportunities, please visit

Donation envelopes are available during worship. Gifts may also be made by calling the Finance Office at 232-1371, by texting “STL EASTER” to 73256, or online by using the link below. All donations are tax deductible.