I know some of you can’t get enough political talk right now, while others are sick of it all and are ready to move on. If you are in the camp that you can’t get enough and want to hear some of my thoughts on the election, feel free to read to the bottom. If you are in the camp that is sick of it all, here are a few really terrible jokes for you that will hopefully brighten your day.
Why couldn’t the shoes go out and play? …. They were all tied up!
Why didn’t the leopard go on vacation? …. He couldn’t find the right spot!
What do you do when you can’t find any rubber bands? …. See if you can find a plastic orchestra!
Okay, now for the rest of you looking for something a little more serious. I’ve been asked all week about what I think of the election. Here are a few of my thoughts on the election. I have many friends who fall on all sides of the political spectrum. I have friends who voted for all the presidential candidates on the ballot, friends who voted both ways on all the state questions, and friends who chose not to vote at all. I believe all of them are good people who are trying to follow Christ in the best way they know how. They are all seeking the greatest good for our world, but they might have different beliefs about how to accomplish that good.
This election has reminded me of a few things. First, we do not live in a black and white world with clear cut answers about what is right and wrong. Jesus rarely gave simple, black and white answers to complex problems in the world, and we shouldn’t try to either. There is often more than meets the eye and we need to be willing to embrace the gray areas, the questions, and the layers of meaning waiting to be found.
Second, there is and always will be a need for people to show kindness to one another. We can never move forward as a society or begin to respect people who think differently than we do until we are willing to show kindness to everyone, especially those who have different opinions than we do.
Third, it is incumbent on all of us to make the efforts to reach out to those we disagree with so we can come together. For those who supported Donald Trump, it means being humble enough to reach out to others to include them in the journey forward. For those who supported Hillary Clinton, it means being humble enough to give President-elect Trump a fair opportunity to lead us forward. Unless we are willing to put our egos aside and be humble, we will never have a chance of moving forward as a nation.
Fourth, and most importantly, our ultimate hope does not ever lie in any political party, figure, or system of government. Our hope ultimately rests in the good news of God’s grace for us, His children, and in the promise of the resurrection. It is when we begin to trust in God’s love for us, and live accordingly, that we find the world can be transformed and God’s will can be done in the world.
Now, for more jokes… Share some of your favorite terrible jokes with me in the comments below so we can all have a few laughs and brighten our days!